Chapter 295 - Enthusiastic Gamma, Red Mineral (First update, please subscribe)

The vibration in the hologram gradually subsided. The enemy before them finally steadied themselves, focusing menacing looks on Shen Congfei and his crew, and then abruptly cut off the communication channel.

Inside the cockpit of the Star Soarer, everyone had initially thought a counterattack was imminent. They were tense, preparing to defend, but instead they saw the alien warship, resembling some sort of devilfish, hastily departing.

Seeing this, they were momentarily stunned, but then relief and joy washed over their faces.

That they had defeated a starship from an alien civilization during the early period of humanity's space exploration was remarkable news indeed.

Witnessing the departure of the aliens with tentacled heads, Shen Congfei actually felt a twinge of regret. If the enemy had remained, he was confident of capturing the alien warship.

However, Shen Congfei also knew that if the enemy wanted to escape, they might not necessarily be able to catch up.