Chapter 298: Temptation of New Resources (Second update, please subscribe)


Upon hearing this, Shen Congfei's eyes widened.

"What did you say? Why did this thing appear?"

But he quickly recovered and asked with a frown:

"Hold on, why was this information intercepted by you?"

"The source of the message is from a newly berthed damaged warship. It seems that our maintenance technicians inadvertently connected to the ship's internal communication channel during the repair process, intercepting relevant information from the crew's conversation."

Upon hearing this, Shen Congfei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Having spent more than half a month at spaceport 0464, he had more or less figured out what kind of place this Wasteland Star Region that he was in was all about.

Civilizations are divided into planetary-level civilizations, pioneering civilizations, colonizing civilizations, conquering civilizations, and divine civilizations according to the universe.