Chapter 308: Star Pirates Culture (2nd update, please subscribe)

Wasteland Star Region Dock 0464, ship docking area.

Seeing the Star Shuttle in the distance, Shen Congfei paused and turned back, helplessly sighing:

"These guys, I just can't seem to shake them off."

Upon hearing this, the others turned around and immediately noticed the shadowy figures following them and hiding behind structures.

This was because Shen Congfei had earlier remarked, "I don't want to see you guys anymore".

So, these Star Pirate rookies kept on following, all the while hiding in sight.

"Hahaha, friends, don't be surprised. This is the culture of Star Pirates."

Shen Congfei glanced at the alien who had spoken. "What do you mean?"

"It means that, according to the rules of the Star Pirates, since you completely defeated the Fishbone Star Pirate Group, everything owned by them, including their ship, their belongings, and even their crew, are now your war trophies."

"Conversely, the same applies to Star Pirates who defeat other ships."