Chapter 310: The Descent of the Divine Weapon, Beginning of the First Phase ( 2nd Update, Seeking Subscriptions)

"Dear visitors from afar, I wish you a safe journey in your upcoming travels and look forward to your return to our port."

In the cockpit of the Star Shuttle, they hear the farewell message from the receptionist at Spaceport 0464.

Xue Yangping sighs. They've been here long enough for him to feel somewhat reluctant to leave.

Upon seeing this, Shen Congfei comments, "Why the sigh? We're about to head to our new home."

"Are we really going to...what's it called? Cemetery Star?"

Xue Yangping is somewhat confused. "But why?"

"You should understand, there's a crisis at our mother star right now. Why should we go to another planet?"

"Shouldn't we head directly back to our mother star?"

After hearing his words, Shen Congfei sees that the others in the cabin are also confused.

"Alright, let me explain my reasons."

"What do you think, facing a civilization on the level of a colonizer, and one that's just one step away from being a conqueror?"