Chapter 113: Precious Resources (First update, asking for subscription)

Cemetery Star, formerly known as the City of Pirates, has now formally changed into a human outpost.

Not far from where the Star Shuttle is moored, stands an interstellar Tyra Door, more colossal than the starship.

All present are staring at this massive, arch-shaped metal structure.

It's just emitting a blue light.

"Cong Fei."

Just as Shen Congfei was about to walk towards the Tyra Door, he was pulled back by Xia Wei.

"What is it?"

Seeing his question, the other party bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke her mind:

"Are you sure this Tyra Door is safe? We are far from our home star here, if the teleportation..."

Upon hearing this, Shen Congfei understood her concerns:

"You're worried about something going wrong with the interstellar door? Don't worry, Shen Xiaoja has calculated it, there's no problem."

"But what if..." As Xia Wei spoke, she held on tightly, unwilling to let go.