Chapter 323 Alien Renegade (First update, subscription required)

"How did we capture him?"

"Legion Commander, we discovered this enemy while conducting a population evacuation survey."

Shen Cong Fei nodded, signaling for the interrogator player to continue.

"He was mingling in the crowd of evacuees, and we only found him because of the report from a civilian. The common language accent used by the disguised enemy was unusual and we suspected them of being a foreign spy, otherwise, he would have been difficult to detect."

"Well, well, the power of the masses."

He made a remark and asked, "So, this alien, the purpose of him deliberately lurking in the evacuees, has it been interrogated?"

The Interrogator Player shook his head.

Shen Congfei looked slightly disappointed: "Such is it? It seems this alien is more unyielding than I thought."

He knew that the occupation advantages and skills of the interrogator were related to interrogations and punishments, which were basically linked to real interrogation techniques.