Chapter 334: Bone-Attached Maggots (Second update, please subscribe)

The unexpected incident with the Mothership left the entire Demon Fleet in complete disarray.

All the Demon Aliens within the fleet were frantically trying to contact the Mothership.

Unfortunately, they found that all communications were lost.

Luckily, the Demon ship captains who had stayed onboard their own ships still retained their command authority.

After extremely brief discussions, all ships in the Demon Fleet chose to carry on with the orders given by the Demon Commander before he disappeared. They quickly ended the battle and began searching for survivors amongst the wreckage of the Mothership.

However, they added one additional aim.

To capture the "Absorber of Pale Light" alive, if at all possible.

Because, based on their analysis of the holographic projections gathered from various ships,

The command center of their Mothership had suddenly disappeared before being torn apart.