Chapter 337: When the Strong Join Forces (First update, asking for subscription)

High above, the Tyra propulsion system spewed out a blue tail flame, propelling the Star Shuttle forward.

Inside the starship, in the Tactical Command Center, Shen Congfei was standing, watching the projected image in front of him.

After determining the next step of the plan, he was caught in a difficult choice.

Admittedly, the Demon Aliens had made a good move.

Even though there was a certain gap between the two sides in terms of technology and combat capabilities, Shen Congfei wasn't afraid of fighting the enemy at all as long as it was a group fight.

With his individual abilities, he could easily eliminate the enemy's command center.

The remnants of the enemy's scattered troops would be eradicated; it was just a matter of time.

However, it was now a problem that the enemy had landed dispersedly on the mother planet's surface and established positions there, they were getting the upper hand.

Forcing human civilization to hold the resistance base.