Chapter 343 Arrival of the Enemy Horde (First update, asking for subscription)

At the peak, spots previously cratered by meteoroids are now being relentlessly pummeled by the raining black bodies from the sky.

Red and blue energy rays are being fired back and forth.

The destructive force of bullets and hand grenades is completely blocked by the energy shield.

The situation briefly escalates into a close-combat.

It was at this moment Shen Congfei emerged from his landing pod, signaling the end of the battle.

Relying on the combat strength of his Tyra out-armor, he unleashed a barrage of various BUFF skills.

For a moment, the battle power of the human side surged.

Demon aliens' ground command for this location was dismantled.

After the battle, the members of the near-orbit airborne troops began to clean up the battlefield.

Shen Congfei deactivated combat mode and started searching for potential enemy commanders among the smoke-filled battlefield littered with demon aliens.

But sadly, no such figure existed.