Chapter 347: Gamma Container (First update, asking for subscription)

Onboard the Star Shuttle, within the tactical command room.

Shen Congfei folds his arms, asking his crew:

"What's the situation?"

"Report, the Demon Fleet has left the atmosphere of their homeworld."

Hearing the radar scout's report results, everyone on the ship couldn't help but cheer.

This was, after all, the first time in human history that an extraterrestrial invasion had been repelled.

But compared to everyone else, Shen Congfei wasn't as elated.

Because in his opinion, the retreat of the Demon Fleet didn't necessarily mean the end of this interstellar war.

The situation could very likely morph into a drawn-out struggle.

The enemy fleet could potentially seek assistance from the Demonic civilization.

That would be the real test of human civilization.

Before even a planetary day had passed, the Gama Civilization's Celestial Fleet also made contact, confirming his suspicion.