Chapter 350: Explosive Development (2nd update, subscription sought)

As soon as Xue Yangping finished asking, Xia Wei opened her mouth again:

"Cong Fei, as we cooperate with them now, what if there comes a day when war breaks out again, as it did before the apocalypse?"

Hearing this, Shen Congfei turned to the concerned faces of the others.

"I know what you're worried about."

"But the situation has evolved to such a stage that I have to consider relying on external forces. Before the reinforcements from the Demon civilization arrive, we need more time to develop."

"The problem is, we do not have much time left."

"So, this is a risk we have to take."

Saying this, he sighed, "I understand. You might think my current methods are too radical."

"But this war is crucial for humanity's future existence in this universe."

"If we lose..."

"Even if human civilization still exists, it will not have a future."

Having said this earnestly, Shen Congfei saw that everyone was silent, and he left alone.