Chapter 353: Retreating to Advance (First update, please subscribe)

Inside the Alliance's conference hall, Shen Congfei sat in his delegation's seat.

Having waited for half a day, when the last person spoke, he was finally jolted into action.

Clearly, these people intend to take the ostrich approach.

If that's the case...

"Leaving aside other matters, we ought to get to the main point now," he said.

At the conference table, Shen Congfei stared at the envoys from various countries, tapping his fingers on the tabletop:

"As for the territorial dispute between our home planet and Cemetery Star, I believe you all reached consensus during the refugee evacuation. I suspect it's starting to slip your minds."

"I believe it's necessary to repeat it to you all."


With that, he raised his left index finger: "Point one."


"Shen Congfei."

"I am the first in human history to explore and develop Cemetery Star."

"And my faction, the Neutral United Front, is the actual owner of this planet."