Chapter 365: The Means of a Big Shot (First update, please subscribe)

In the meeting room, Shen Congfei swept a glance at the people present and the projections of decision makers from various nations.

Even though his team had come up with a proposal that sparked myriad of hopeful ideals.

However, the reality might be a little hard to handle.

After all, constructing an entirely new power means everything will be reshuffled.

There might be some who are unwilling to relinquish their current powers.

Even if our side has military strength and consensus, it would cause no small amount of disorder.

It's like being in a hurry won't help you eat hot tofu faster.

According to Shen Congfei's plan, nations of the mother planet should reassemble into a unified organization to represent human civilization.

However, the proposal raised by his adoptive father seems to be more radical, yet riskier.

Sure, the idea of a United Human Organization sounds nice, but the resistance encountered during execution could also be considerable.