Chapter 369: The Wealthy Human Civilization (First Update, Seeking Subscriptions)

Shen Congfei finished reading the report sent by the Star Dome Fleet, the Gama script in the content had already been translated by "Shen Xiaoja" into a language that humans could understand.

After browsing through the report, he was overjoyed.

But then his expression froze, and his eyes grew increasingly odd.

Shen Congfei waved his hand to close the report and reconnected to the opposing party's communication channel.

Soon, the projection of the Star Dome fleet's commander appeared before him.

Looking at the one-eyed face of the other party, he immediately asked:

"So you're saying, according to the Gama civilization's colonization standards, this planet meets the colonization criteria?"

"Unexpectedly, we didn't expect to find such a standard habitable planet in this star system, it just needs a slight modification to the environment."

Hearing this, Shen Congfei's eyebrows raised: "So, that plan for the planet-modification device was also carelessly left in by you."