At the edge of the small town's fish harbor, an old fishing boat was docked next to a wharf built from wooden planks of varying lengths.

The scouting team and a self-proclaimed survivor explorer, were trapped aboard the vessel.

Because on the other end of the wharf, many strange-looking creatures that were gray-green, with white bellies, resembling "fish-men", were closing in.

Of course, these "fish-men" here were really humanoid creatures with bulging fish eyes, fish fins, and tentacles.

The clothes they wore and the farming tools they carried suggested they once belonged to the human side.

But now, in the eyes of the people on the boat, they were no different from monsters.

Wrapped in a warm sleeping bag exposing only his head, the explorer was shivering at one corner of the boat.

His eyes were staring at the approaching monsters, and his heart was filled with pure terror.

The explorer turned his head to look at the person repairing the boat engine.