The Mastermind

Looking at the words on the oil paper hat, Lu Yu fell silent.

Only Hei Lang and the chief of the Fierce Tiger Gang had managed to escape today's encirclement. Since the chief of the Fierce Tiger Gang was already dead, the only person who had left behind these words could only be Hei Lang.

But how did he know that he was the one who had informed the Han Residence?

Lu Yu thought of the stalker. Up until now, he had never seen the stalker in person. If the stalker had always known his whereabouts, then why the stalker didn't stop him from leading guards to eliminate the underground gangs?

Initially, Lu Yu thought that the stalker was a member of the Wild Wolf Sect, but now it seemed like it was not the case. Otherwise, the stalker should have informed the sect members when he found out that Lu Yu knew the whereabouts of the Wild Wolf Sect.

Who exactly was the stalker?

Compared to the identity and intention of the stalker, Lu Yu was more worried about Little Tail's safety. Hei Lang was not merciful as him.

With his own strength, he was definitely no match for Hei Lang. Going to Xiao Tang Mountain alone would be courting death.

If he used the power of the Han Residence, he might have a chance to save Little Tail. However, his current strength was not strong enough.

In that case, he could only think of a way to kill the chief of the Wild Wolf Sect and Yang Xiu at the same time.

Lu Yu pulled out the dagger nailed to the table, looked at the oiled paper hat, and left the small courtyard for the Han Residence.

In fact, it was very simple to prove that Yang Xiu was the mastermind. All he needed to do was to confront Han Yu. The reason why the Han Residence did not find out that Yang Xiu was the mastermind was because no one had told Han Yu that there was a mole in the Han Residence.

The place where Han Yu lived was mostly guarded by Yang Xiu. The other guards who vaguely felt that there was a mole in the Han Residence, but they did not have the chance to interact with Han Yu. Furthermore, Yang Xiu did not mention the mole to Han Yu.

As for Butler Zhang, Han Yaozu, and the others, they would not tell the juniors that there was a traitor hidden in the Han Residence. This would prevent chaos and save everyone from panic.

Not to mention the juniors, even the elders and squires of Han Residence did not know about it. It was just that those elders had experienced many things. They could detect traces of signs from the surrounding movements and draw some conclusions.

In fact, there were not more than five people in the Han Residence who knew about the existence of the traitor. Only Lu Yu, Butler Zhang, Han Yaozu, and Han Yaozong knew about it. The others did not know much about the situation. They could only have their own guesses.

Lu Yu was able to become an insider because he was the one who provided the clues. Otherwise, he would not be included in this incident.

After Lu Yu found Butler Zhang, he asked about Yang Xiu's whereabouts.

Butler Zhang was a little puzzled. "Why are you asking this? Yang Xiu just went out for a walk with Han Yu."

Speaking of this, Butler Zhang felt that something was not right. Why did they suddenly go out for a walk?

The reason why he did not suspect Yang Xiu was because in his perception, Yang Xiu was only a body refining realm martial art cultivator. There was no spiritual energy fluctuation on Yang Xiu's body. However, the guard in the study room was killed by a qi refining realm martial art cultivator.

When Yang Xiu and Han Yu left the Han Residence, Lu Yu immediately felt that something was wrong. Thinking back to the Wild Wolf Sect's kidnapping of Han Yu, Lu Yu instantly understood that Yang Xiu wanted to hold Han Yu hostage and force the Han Residence to hand over something.

Since the matter had already developed to this extent, it was useless to hide Yang Xiu's identity. Lu Yu immediately said, "Yang Xiu is the mastermind behind the scenes."

"What?" Butler Zhang was greatly shocked.

"He took Young Miss out of the Han Residence because he wanted to kidnap her and force the family head in exchange of something." Lu Yu quickly said, "Yang Xiu and the escaped Hei Lang agreed to meet at the top of Xiao Tang Mountain."

He did not know if Yang Xiu and Hei Lang had an agreement, but he needed the people of the Han Residence to help him. Hei Lang would be there anyway, so the Han Residence would still be happy to catch him. If Yang Xiu didn't show up, it meant that he did not go to the appointment. Either way, Butler Zhang would not suspect that Lu Yu was lying.

If Hei Lang was not at the top of Xiao Tang Mountain, it could mean that Hei Lang lied to Lu Yu. So, Butler Zhang wouldn't blame Lu Yu of being deceived.

If Yang Xiu did not plan to kidnap Han Yu now and the two of them returned to the Han Residence safely, Lu Yu could still confront the two of them and then confirm that Yang Xiu was the mastermind behind the scenes.

In all the scenarios that Lu Yu had envisioned, he would be able to keep himself out of the trouble.

In the future, if the Han Residence wanted to search for the truth, he would have long left Windmill Town.

"Yang Xiu is the mastermind behind the scenes!" Third Master Han suddenly rushed out and roared. The two jade balls in his hands were crushed into pieces. His qi-blood surged non-stop, and his eyes were red.

"I trusted him so much, and Fan 'er was so good to him. He actually dared to kill my Fan 'er! His heart is so vicious! Where is he? I want to personally avenge Fan 'er!"

"The top of Xiao Tang Mountain." Lu Yu said.

Third Master Han grabbed Lu Yu and carried him out of the Han Residence. His eyes were burning with anger as he gnashed his teeth and said, "Show me the way."

Lu Yu showed him the way. The speed of Third Master Han, who was running at full speed, was extremely shocking. Lu Yu could only barely see the surrounding environment and make the correct direction.

Very soon, the two of them arrived at the top of Xiao Tang Mountain. To Lu Yu's surprise, there were three people here, but he did not see Little Tail.

"Yang Xiu, I'm going to kill you. You must pay with your life for my son!" Third Master Han saw Yang Xiu at the top of the mountain and immediately ran towards Yang Xiu.

Yang Xiu said to Hei Lang, "Kill this old thing. Once we have it, we will immediately retreat."

Hei Lang did not say a word. Just as he was about to go up and fight Third Master Han, Lu Yu appeared at the top of the mountain. When Hei Lang saw Lu Yu, he revealed a terrifying smile.

"Where's the girl?" Lu Yu was angry as he asked loudly.

Hei Lang fought the angry Third Master Han and still could chat with Lu Yu. He said, "You had Meng Hu jump off the cliff and fall to his death. I also let that girl jump off the cliff. Guess how I did it?"

Lu Yu was expressionless. From the beginning, when he knew that Little Tail had been taken away by Hei Lang, he had already prepared for the worst.

"I told her that as long as you jump down yourself, I will not kill your good brother."

When Lu Yu heard this, his heart ached. He clenched his fists and wished that he could kill Hei Lang on the spot.

Hei Lang saw Lu Yu's expression and laughed. He stabbed Third Master Han repeatedly with the short knife in his hand. Third Master Han's palms were already dripping with blood.

"If it wasn't for you, my brothers would still be alive!" Hei Lang roared, and his attacks became more and more fierce.

Third Master Han was very angry, so angry that he couldn't feel the pain in his hands. His palms were red and imprinted towards Hei Lang's chest. Facing Hei Lang's attack, Third Master Han avoided his vital points and forcefully fought with Hei Lang.

Hei Lang felt a wave of heat and pain. It was as if a red-hot iron plate was imprinted on his chest. A wave of hot spiritual energy rushed into his body. Then, he expelled the fire spiritual energy out of the body with his own spiritual energy.

Both Third Master Han and Hei Lang had suffered considerable injuries. They temporarily retreated from each other, brewing an even more powerful killer move.

Yang Xiu said, "Lu Yu, I would never have dreamt that a rookie who has just entered the Han Residence would ruin my plans."

Lu Yu could feel the pressure. He was locked onto by Yang Xiu's aura. If Lu Yu made any movements, Yang Xiu might make a move against him.

"However, it doesn't matter. I will be able to get what I want soon." Yang Xiu said casually. "And you will be buried here as the price for meddling in my business!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The sound of clothes rubbing against the air could be heard from the forest behind Lu Yu.

"Let go of Han Yu!" Han Yaozu shouted.

Yang Xiu had a smile on his face. He did not even look at Han Yu, who was lying unconscious on the ground. He said, "My condition is very simple. If you hand over the Seventh Heaven of Ice and Fire cultivation technique, I will let her go."

Han Yaozu, Butler Zhang, and many other squires surrounded the top of the mountain.

Hei Lang had already retreated to Yang Xiu's side. Although he did not kill Lu Yu with his own hands, seeing Lu Yu's expression made Hei Lang feel good from the bottom of his heart. Of course, if there was a chance, Hei Lang would not hesitate to attack Lu Yu.

Hearing Yang Xiu's request, Han Yaozu was slightly stunned. Yang Xiu's request was somewhat out of his expectations, but he quickly reacted and said, "No problem. I can give you the cultivation technique, but you will not harm Han Yu."

Yang Xiu kicked Han Yu and sent a stream of spiritual energy into her body to wake her up. He said to Han Yaozu, "Look! She's fine. Nothing happened. Bring the cultivation technique over."

"Brother Yang, what happened?" Han Yu asked in puzzlement. Han Yu got up and sat on the ground feeling a little dizzy. She saw that she was near at the edge of the cliff, and most of the people around her were people she knew. 

"What Brother Yang! You're a fool!" Han Yaozu could not help but curse.

Han Yu should have told his father when she felt something was wrong with Yang Xiu. Things might not go wrong if she did so.

"This girl is so silly, just like her mother!" Han Yaozu thought.

Han Yaozu took out a blue and red jade disk and said, "The cultivation technique is here. Let Han Yu go."

Yang Xiu gestured to Hei Lang, "Go and see if it's true or not?"

Hei Lang walked up warily and took the cultivation technique from Han Yaozu's hands. A moment later, he turned to Yang Xiu and said, "It's true."

A smile appeared on Yang Xiu's face. Hei Lang returned the cultivation technique to Han Yaozu and went to Yang Xiu's side.

"I'll let Han Yu walk over. You throw the cultivation technique over." said Yang Xiu.

"No problem." Han Yaozu agreed.

Yang Xiu lifted Han Yu, who was still sitting on the ground and did not understand the situation, and said to her, "Get up and get lost!"

Han Yu took two steps in a daze. She suddenly turned around and asked while crying, "You would rather have the cultivation technique than me?"

"Come back!" Han Yaozu shouted.

Yang Xiu did not respond to her. He stared at the cultivation technique in Han Yaozu's hand without even moving his eyes. When Han Yu saw Yang Xiu didn't care about her at all, she wiped her tears. She turned around and walked towards Han Yaozu while crying.

"Throw it over!" Yang Xiu shouted when Han Yu was almost halfway there.

Han Yaozu threw the cultivation technique in his hand. When the cultivation technique was still in the air, both sides attacked.

Yang Xiu rushed forward to seize the cultivation technique. At the same time, Hei Lang threw the short knife in his hand at Han Yu, forcing Butler Zhang to change his target to protect Han Yu. Han Yaozu and the severely injured Third Master Han rushed towards Yang Xiu, while the rest of the squires rushed towards Hei Lang.


Yang Xiu and Han Yaozu exchanged a palm strike, and the intense spiritual energy caused an explosion. Yang Xiu took the opportunity to stomp on the ground and try to grab the cultivation technique in midair. 

However, Han Yaozu threw out a medicine bottle and hit the cultivation technique down to the cliff.

Third Master Han then attacked Yang Xiu relentlessly, and his eyes spat out flames of anger. He did not care about Yang Xiu's attack at all, he just wanted to kill Yang Xiu.

Two consecutive Raging Flame Palm struck Yang Xiu's chest. Yang Xiu stopped for a moment, but he was fine. In the next second, Third Master Han was sent flying by Yang Xiu and fell down from the mountain. It was unclear that Third Master Han was alive or not.

After Yang Xiu's guard uniform was burned through, the dark green soft armor underneath was revealed. The soft armor was still flickering with spiritual light.

"Spirit armor?" Han Yaozu was a little surprised and asked loudly, "Who exactly are you?"