Vine Tiger Warship

Chapter 124

Chen Jingzhai had left the mountain for an entire year. It was now his seventh month in Donglai County.

In addition to the elixirs, Chen Jingzhai also had established himself in the apparel industry. All four of his maidservants knew how to knit magic apparel. Their craftsmanship was not much different.

Thanks to the high-quality spirit silk, the quality of the magic apparel was excellent. Once they were launched, they were extremely popular.

Commander Wang Tong of the Dao Cheng Division even came to place an order in person. He intended to order a uniform style of magic apparel for all the members of the Dao Cheng Division of Donglai County.

"The silk is limited. I'm afraid it might not be delivered in time," Chen Jingzhai said.