Demonic Spirit Demonic Cultivator

The poison of the earth lung lay in its power to corrode and erode, just like the poison of the bones.

Once infected, it could not be removed so easily, and it would spread throughout the entire body like wildfire.

Furthermore, Chen Jingzhai's poison technique was using the poison of the earth lung as a source of its power.

These two factors and their double effects were able to leave their traces on the black jade turtle's shell.

The four limbs and the head of the black jade turtle had not been spared. Once these body parts were touched by the poison, it could not get rid of it, and the effect was made apparent immediately.

The gigantic black jade turtle now fell victim to its own shortcoming, and it was in unbearable pain.

It began to shrink into the turtle shell while continuing to toss and turn, but unfortunately to no avail.

After waiting for a while, Chen Jingzhai made his move. A sword, condensed with golden light, flew out.