Territory: beihuang region (1)

Previously, even if Li Yingli and Pei Dong 'er didn't come to the Moonview cave abode, they would still go to the west side courtyard to learn alchemy and weapon refining.

In reality, the 12th branch was in charge of the tool-refining Hall. The two ladies did not need to come to the west side courtyard to learn how to refine tools. The reason was because of Chen jingzhai.

Li Yingli's heart was moved, Pei Dong 'er was rejected, but they both wanted to get close to Chen jingzhai. In the more than ten years they had been in the fifth level of the catacombs, they had long been very close.

He had thought that everything would go smoothly, but the bahuang immortal market had distracted the two women's attention, and then the third wife appeared in the Moonview cave abode.

Even though they were not registered in the hall of deacons, this was because of the bad reputation of having a Fox as his wife. Chen jingzhai was a proud Son of Heaven and was only a golden core.