Dayong falls (1)

Year 2280 of the eight desolate calendar.

In the past 20 years, you Wanli, li Chenzhou, and the horned golden immortal had traveled the entire fire poison universe and discovered that the universe was polarized.

The two Daoist sects had used primordial immortal treasures to seal half of the starry sky and trapped the void creatures. They had joined forces with the disciples of the fire poison Palace, cultivators, and Immortals to hunt them down.

On one side, it was the battle between the void creatures. On the other side, the fire poison Palace and the local forces had joined forces to resist the two major Daoist sects. On one side, the battle was intense, while on the other side, undercurrents were surging.

Under such a situation, many planets were very stable for the time being. However, there were not many Immortals. Most of the immortals were in the void battleground.