Strange object in the universe (2)

If the heart of time was fused into a golden immortal Dao fruit, it would naturally transform into a space-time primordial fiend, and the Dao fruit would also transform into a space-time Dao fruit. On the other hand, the heart of the world was effective on the Masters of the Universe, and a portion of the heart of the world could create a Galaxy.

It could also allow a golden immortal to merge with the heart of the world, create their own world, and become the master of the world. However, the potential of this kind of World Master was at most primordial unity, not even zenith heaven, and they were easily destroyed by the Qi of chaos.

Of course, only zenith heavens had these items. Even if the Grand unity godfiends had them, they would not take them out. You Wanli had listed them on the list just in case. Who knew if someone would exchange for them? it was hard to say.