Ruoyan's breakthrough (1)

Celestial Empress lived at the top of the celestial heavens and looked down at the stars, but it was not as if she did not know about the mortal world. The heaven observation mirror was connected to the heavenly Dao net and could see everything that had submitted to the universe.

Not to mention that the heaven observation mirror was digitized. Not only was it extremely high-definition, but it also displayed detailed data. Even the heavenly Emperor and celestial Empress could see the dawn of the universe.

"The power of Joss flames is indeed unique." The Empress said softly.

Heavenly Fire divine Lord was also born of fortune. Although he was not an innate divine God, he was still a ghost God. He did not understand human affairs, right and wrong, and did not understand reason. However, because of the divine power of incense, not only did he condense the body of a golden immortal, he was also very cunning.