Promotion to Taiyi (2)

The phenomenon lasted for seven days, and the entire heavenly court was immersed in the fragrance of the flowers. The happiest person was Li Yingli. As a hundred flower body, she had a good impression of her new sisters, and the fragrance of the plum flowers was even more unforgettable.

Seven days later, the strange phenomenon disappeared.

Immortal Plum's cave abode opened and the eight golden Immortals of the Luofu sect gathered.

At the same time, the Empress gave the order to confer immortal Mei the title of the sixth heavenly consort. The carriage and guards of honor of the heavenly consort came to take immortal Mei back to the Jade Emperor heaven.

Immortal plum didn't refuse. She only left a clone to entertain the eight golden Immortals, while her true body took a Jade carriage to the Jade Emperor heaven and directly stayed in the immortal plum Palace.