

"Welcome to Glory of the Gods. I'm Little Rong, your guide."

In an empty space, a winged elf appeared in front of Lin Yi.

"I'll create a character for you now. Please choose your race."

Lin Yi opened his eyes in a daze and saw the template for the races that Glory of the Gods had created.

There were three race templates in front of Lin Yi—the humans with well-proportioned figures, the short and robust dwarves, and different types of beastmen that included strong tiger-men, weak pig-men, and the charming fox race.

There was one thing that needed to be explained here. Although they were beastmen, they were still similar to humans on the surface; the only difference being they carried some of the race's characteristics: the fox-man had the tail of a fox, and the tiger-man had the mark of a king.

There was another advantage to choosing the beastmen race. Every beastmen race had its own characteristics. The lion-man race, for instance, had strong attack characteristics but had an average defense. Those who chose this race would develop into berserker classes.

The fox-man race had strong charm, but their strength was average. Most who chose this class were priests.

Lin Yi was stunned when he saw the character interface. Wasn't he being attacked?

How did he even get into the game?

What confused Lin Yi even more, was that there were only three races to choose from?

What about the powerful titan race?

What about the seductive succubus race?

What about the exquisite elf race?

They were non-existent!

Lin Yi suddenly thought of something and his heart skipped a beat.

It seemed there were only three races to choose from in the game's open beta.

The earliest elven race only appeared three months after the game started. The succubus race followed, then the drakonid race, and...

Lin Yi's pupils contracted as he thought of something, and he muttered to himself in disbelief,

"It... shouldn't be, right?"

Lin Yi suppressed the excitement in his heart and nervously chose the human race.

The little elf's voice sounded again after Lin Yi had chosen his race,

"Please follow the instructions to customize your appearance in the game."

Lin Yi adjusted his facial features down by 50% with ease, turning into the image of an ordinary young man.

Then came the class choice. Lin Yi chose Mage, the class he was most familiar with without hesitation.

The game was divided into five main classes: Mage, Warrior, Hunter, Thief, and Priest.

In addition, there were many special hidden classes, and these required players to find and obtain inheritances in the game.

These hidden classes included the powerful Dragon Knight, Thunder King, Guardian, Summoner, and more.

Most of the hidden classes were unique.

Because of this, when people knew that they existed, clues regarding the inheritance of the hidden class became priceless. Many were willing to pay a fortune ordinary people would never earn in their lifetime for a hidden class.

And Lin Yi was in trouble because he had obtained the inheritance of the hidden profession, the Spirit Summoner.

Up until now, Lin Yi still didn't know why he had suddenly appeared here.

From what he remembered, he had only closed his eyes subconsciously when he saw someone pointing a gun at him in the dormitory.

When he opened his eyes, he had already appeared here.

At that moment, the guide repeated the question again:

"Next, please give your character a name."

Lin Yi couldn't help but gulp as he said the two names that had been with him for the last three years.


"Ding! Name not in use. You have successfully created your character! Would you like to enter the game?"

It really worked!

Lin Yi was so excited that he almost jumped up. His eyes were filled with disbelief and shock.

At this moment, Lin Yi really wanted to exit the game and verify what he was thinking.

However, he was afraid that it was all but a dream. He was afraid that once he exited the game, he would return to the real world where he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

After hesitating for a long time, he forced himself to choose.

"Enter game."

Everything was ready when Lin Yi's vision went dark, and he appeared in a noisy square.

Lin Yi looked up and saw that the square was already filled with people.

Crowds of people in cloth clothes were huddled in the square, discussing something enthusiastically. There were shouts of surprise as well.

Lin Yi had experienced this familiar scene three years ago.

Back then, it was the launch day of Glory of the Gods, a result of multinational cooperation.

When the memories from three years ago merged with the scene he was seeing now, Lin Yi's mouth felt dry.

Although he didn't know what had happened, he also didn't know if it was real or not.

But now, Lin Yi had to face a situation that even he found hard to believe:

He'd really been reborn!

And it was on the release day Glory of the Gods' open beta.

"Hey bro, excuse me... thank you."

"It's so crowded here. What should we do next?"

"I don't know. There aren't even newbie missions. What the heck?"

"Let's go. Let's get out of here first. It's too crowded."

"Right. Let's squeeze our way out."

Just as Lin Yi was still trying to come to terms with his rebirth, the noise around him suddenly entered his ears.

He regained consciousness and couldn't help but laugh out loud, making those around him think he must be crazy.

It was only after Lin Yi vented his emotions that his mood gradually calmed.

He looked at his hands, then at his surroundings, and thought back to his ordinary and weak life before he was reborn.

"If all of this is true, then..."

Lin Yi's eyes turned sharp.

Under the surprised gazes of the people around him, Lin Yi walked out of the village without a care.

Having endured the open beta, he knew that this game didn't have any so-called beginner guide or tutorials.

Players had to figure out everything here on their own.

In fact, level one to level ten in the beginner's village was the game company's method to familiarize all the newbies with the game.

What Lin Yi needed to do now was to level up to level ten as quickly as he could and leave the beginner's village for the main city.

There was still the Spirit Summoner's legacy waiting to be inherited by him there.

To be honest, Lin Yi really wanted to log out of the game and check the time in reality to see if he was really reborn.

But in the end, Lin Yi decided against it.

If it were fake, he would rather spend it in an illusion.

Nonetheless, Lin Yi was also waiting. This game had a time limit and when that was up, he would be automatically logged out by the system even if he didn't want to.

While everyone was still confused about what to do next, Lin Yi arrived at a remote location and opened his character interface:

Character: Fenghua

Level: 1

Experience: 0/100

Class: Mage Apprentice

HP: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Vitality: +5

Strength: +5

Intelligence: +5

Dexterity: +5

Physical Attack: 5-15

Magic Attack: 5-15

Physical Defense: 15

Magic Defense: 15

Luck: +5


Fireball. Casts a fireball at a specific target at will, afflicting magic damage and additional burn damage. Target loses one hp per second for 3 seconds.

Casting time: 1.5 seconds

Mana cost: 20

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Everyone in this game was born with the same attributes, regardless of the tall, short, fat, young, or old.

At least, this was not unlike the official propaganda, allowing impartiality and every player who entered the game to be on the same starting line.

As for how far the game would develop in the future, it would completely depend on one's own opportunities and abilities.

Glory of the Gods was set like this:

There were originally nearly a hundred different races living on this Lafarme continent. They had lived in their own region for generations and had their own cultural systems and survival methods.

Although friction did occasionally take place between some races, it was not a big deal.

On the whole, it could be said that they co-existed peacefully for thousands of years.

However, on this day, in year 5001 of the Genesis calendar, something completely changed the fate of this world.

The abrupt arrival of the demon race sounded the klaxons of war across this quiet and peaceful continent.

What followed was a frenzied massacre by the demon race. One race after another began to disappear from sight.

When people began to realize that the demon army was not a race they could face alone, in Year 5003 of the Genesis calendar, the Hundred Race Alliance's Anti-Demon Army was officially established.

Next was the epic battle between the Hundred Race Alliance the Demon Race that lasted ten years.

This battle directly caused the hundred race experts to be completely wiped out, annihilating dozens of races to oblivion.

Thus, under the desperate and resolute resistance the Hundred Race Army had put up, the demon race had no choice but to retreat to the demon region.

At that time, the Hundred Race Alliance could no longer attack the demon area. They had no choice but to retreat and gather the remaining power of the hundred clans to seal the space-time portal of the demon area.

And just like that, although the hundred races obtained the final victory, albeit at extremely heavy cost.

After hundreds of years of rest and recuperation, the remaining races gradually recovered some of their vitality.

However, it was then that they once again received bad tidings.

It was unknown when it began, but myriad monsters suddenly appeared in every corner of the Lafarme continent, wreaking havoc in the surrounding towns.

Although these monsters were not very powerful, many worried that it was a sign that the demons were making a comeback.

As of now, the remaining hundred races were simply unable to resist the ravages of the demon army.

From then on, the few remaining sages had no choice but to pay the price of their lives to summon the Savior from another world to save their land that was on the verge of another war... to resist the attack of the demons again.

Case and point, every player would descend into this world as the savior.

Hence, those things made up the game's background introduced in the Glory of the Gods' open beta.


Lin Yi was currently in a novice village called Qinghe Village, located at the human border.

Most newbies were confused about what to do next, and only some experienced veterans would run out of the square to look for a place to level up.

No matter what game it was, leveling up was always the first choice and Glory of the Gods was no exception. In the beginner village, killing monsters was the only way to level up.

Only after reaching level ten could you go to the main city to change classes, and the main city would have all kinds of quests waiting for you to complete.

Of course, there were also two beginner dungeons that would be unlocked after level ten—single-player dungeons and team dungeons.

Dungeons were the best way for ordinary players to obtain some of the important resources and equipment, a place where there were world bosses and designated activities.

After a period of time in the game, there would be a saying: Only by entering the main city would the game truly begin.

Lin Yi didn't go with the flow towards the flock of chickens outside the village. Instead, he kept walking deeper towards the forest.

Although he was a reincarnated person, Lin Yi had no choice but to follow the rules of the game—he could only obediently level up to level ten before leaving for the main city.

Only by going to the main city would Lin Yi have the chance to obtain the hidden class that brought him bad luck: Spirit Summoner.

As for what a Spirit Summoner was, he could be considered an enhanced version of a Summoner. Not only could he summon monsters to fight for him, but he was also a powerful arcane mage that had powerful arcane magic.


Along the way, Lin Yi noticed that many people shared his thoughts, all walking in, away from the crowd.

But suddenly, he noticed a phantom of a wooden sword on a demonic rabbit that had just respawned beside him.

However, before Lin Yi could get a good look at it, the demonic rabbit had already been dismembered, turning into a ray of white light and disappearing.

The wooden sword also fell to the ground, but it was quickly picked up by someone and disappeared.

Lin Yi was stunned by this discovery.

Just as he thought that it might be an illusion, the shadow of a pair of cloth shoes appeared on a demonic rabbit not far away.

The next moment, after the demonic rabbit had been ravaged, a pair of cloth shoes appeared next to the corpse, followed by a rough voice,

"Equipment drop! Equipment drop!"

Lin Yi looked at a burly man picking up the cloth shoes in shock.

He continued to see the phantom images of equipment and materials on the demonic rabbits. After the demonic rabbits died, the phantom images would drop all the equipment and materials.

The demonic rabbits that didn't have any phantom images on them died alone.

Realizing this, Lin Yi felt a little suffocated.

He quickened his pace as he thought of that possibility.

A warrior which went by the handle "I Don't Cry" saw Lin Yi and laughed.

"This kid doesn't want to live. He's only level one, yet dares to enter the level four slime zone. Those are all active monsters!"

A mage with the IGN "Handsome Handsome" from a famous guild looked at Lin Yi's IGN and paid little attention to it.

"Don't worry about him. The deer has respawned. Hurry up and pull it over. We need to level up to level two and leave this place as soon as possible, or there'll only be more and more people here later."

I Don't Cry, from the renowned guild, flexed his muscles.

"Alright! Look at my Chrysanthemum Sword!"


A wooden sword slashed at the demonic deer's buttocks and the numbers '-11' rose from its head.

The demonic deer, feeling wronged, flew into a rage, fiercely stomping its hind legs on the body of the man. I Don't Cry instantly kicked back several steps.

'-31' rose from the head. I Don't Cry sucked in a breath of cold air.

"The damage is so high!"

The famous general shook his head and sighed.

"Stop playing. This is not one of those online games we used to play."

"I think you could have dodged that kick," I Don't Cry said as his magic reading bar ended.


A fireball was hurled at the enchanted deer.





It was only then that I Don't Cry reacted. "I didn't react for a while. I'll be careful from now on," he said awkwardly.

At that point, the demonic deer had already dropped to the ground towards the famous guild's commander, who had caused even more damage. The famous guild's commander rolled miserably and dodged the demonic deer's charge.

The demonic deer immediately turned around and continued charging towards the famous commander, who was unable to do anything else. It vowed it would make this human, who had caused its butt to burn red, to pay the price.

The famous commander, I Don't Cry, arrived in time and shouted,

"Eat my invincible Thunderbolt Strike!"


Sensing his butt tightening again, the demonic deer angrily turned its head around and charged towards I Don't Cry.

With his guard flared up, I Don't Cry narrowly avoided the impact of the demonic deer. He quickly got up and started channeling.

Not long after, the pitiful deer finally fell to the ground with the tacit cooperation of the two.

The moment the demonic deer fell, I Don't Cry huffed, held on to his knees in exhaustion and complained, "Isn't this game a little too realistic? To actually get this tired... this is unbelievable."

The famous general recalled the battle in silence, "Actually, as long as we're careful, we can actually get rid of the deer more easily."

Upon experiencing the ultra-realistic, lifelike experience of the game, the famous general sighed.

"This game is definitely a miracle in the history of human games."

Imagining the grand blueprint of a world-shaking battle that the officials had once described, excitement filled the famous general's heart, and the blood in his veins began to rush.

At that moment, Lin Yi was tiptoeing up a big tree, his eyes sparkling as he looked at the groups of slime not far from the tree.

"That's it!"

Lin Yi locked his gaze on the slime with the silhouette of a pair of long pants. Then he started channeling the fireball spell.