Chapter 9 The Young Man Has Affection, the Maiden Has Intent

No one paid attention to the woman's fuss.

The Super LM Fitness Center was an upscale establishment, and though black cards were rare, the staff had seen them before.

Realizing that she had exposed her lack of worldly experience, the woman's face turned red, and she stopped talking.

Yet, she didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

"Mr. Su, everything is set, here is your bank card and our Super LM VIP membership card. Please keep them safe."

The efficiency of the staff when it came to taking money was naturally quick.

The clerk respectfully handed Su Mu's black card and membership card with both hands.

Having collected them, Su Mu stood up.

"Mr. Su, what kind of workout would you like to do today? I will arrange a personal trainer for you."

Thinking that Su Mu was about to exercise, the clerk immediately asked.

"Handsome guy, take me with you so I can broaden my horizons."

Before Su Mu could reply, the woman who had been waiting on the side spoke up quickly.

The woman was clinging on and refusing to leave because she wanted to latch onto Su Mu, the big fish.

In the woman's eyes, Su Mu was both handsome and wealthy.

Someone who could casually spend 260,000 on a gym membership.

He was certainly not like those people who thought they were tycoons for gifting a few hundred or a few thousand.

"I have something else to do today, so I won't go in."

Exercise was indeed not in Su Mu's plans for that day, as he still had another matter to resolve first.

"Alright, Mr. Su, have a good day then."

Politely, the clerk escorted Su Mu to the door.

The woman who was ignored by everyone felt indignant about being snubbed.

"Handsome, why are you ignoring me? Could you give me a lift if it's on the way?"

A little annoyed, he glanced at the woman who showed no self-awareness.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of picking up leftovers."

Without another glance at the woman, Su Mu walked out of the Super LM Fitness Center.

Xiao Wang, who was waiting at the center's entrance, immediately got out of the car to open the door for Su Mu.

The Lamborghini disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Miss, are you going to sign up for a membership?"

The clerk asked with a suppressed smile.

Su Mu's phrase about not having the habit of picking up leftovers really hit the mark.

It pointed directly to the woman's situation of being unwanted.


Naturally, the woman understood what Su Mu meant, but she knew better than to offend that man.

It was impossible for her to get a membership, so the woman walked away dejectedly.

"Young master, where to next?"

Having entered the car, Su Mu just took out his phone and looked at it for a while without specifying the next destination.

Xiao Wang could only ask for instructions.

"Just drive around for a bit."


Holding his phone, Su Mu thought it over and decided it was better to explain things to Jiang Xinxuan.

He opened the voice call.

"Doo... Doo... Doo..."

"Hello, who is this?"

The call didn't take long to connect, and Jiang Xinxuan picked up quickly.

Perhaps not wanting to lose face, Jiang Xinxuan acted as if she didn't know it was Su Mu calling.

A smile played on Su Mu's lips; he nearly laughed out loud.

The old Jiang Xinxuan didn't seem to have so many little temperaments, did she?

Why had her personality changed along with his status?

"It's Su Mu."

He answered simply and clearly.

There was a slight pause on the other end of the phone.

"What do you want calling me? Decided not to be your rich young master anymore?"

The voice that came through was obviously annoyed.

Jiang Xinxuan felt she had hinted enough in the class group chat.

But after waiting all night, Su Mu hadn't messaged her at all, leaving Jiang Xinxuan feeling quite downcast.

"I only found out about my real identity yesterday too."

"I'm really the biggest victim here. If I had known earlier, would I have even needed to work?"

Su Mu said speechlessly, this matter indeed wasn't his own choice.

"What do you mean?"

Su Mu briefly explained the rules passed down through the Su Family.

"There are such family rules? I've never heard of them before."

Hearing the tone of Jiang Xinxuan's voice, Su Mu knew the beautiful girl was no longer mad at him.

"Let's not talk about that anymore. To express my apology, I'll treat you to a movie."

The meaning behind this apology was something both understood without saying.

It was the purpose behind Jiang Xinxuan's message last night.

In the end, hadn't Su Mu deviated from the script Jiang Xinxuan had in mind?

"At least you're somewhat sincere."

Being haughty is a girl's nature, especially for a beauty who's entitled to special privileges.

Having told her own address, Jiang Xinxuan began to dress up.

"Yulong Lake Villa."

Su Mu reported the address of Jiang Xinxuan's home that he had just learned.

Truth be told, during the three years of high school, Su Mu really hadn't asked for Jiang Xinxuan's address or anything like that.

Perhaps he felt deep down that their families were mismatched.

Now, of course, that was no longer a problem.

"All right, young master."

The Lamborghini turned the corner ahead, heading for the destination.

From a distance, Su Mu could see Jiang Xinxuan already standing at the gate of the villa community.

Jiang Xinxuan wore a sky-blue dress, paired with white sneakers.

The ponytail she usually sported at school had been let down, giving off a girl-next-door vibe.

"Stop by that girl up ahead."

"All right, young master."

The Lamborghini came to a halt right in front of Jiang Xinxuan.

Jiang Xinxuan instinctively took a few steps back.

"Jiang Xinxuan, get in."

The car door opened, revealing the handsome face of Su Mu.

"Su Mu?"

That's right, Su Mu was now the young master of the Su Family Group, so it was natural for his ride to be high-end.

Jiang Xinxuan ridiculed her own subconscious doubts for a moment.

Looking at the Lamborghini, Jiang Xinxuan knew the car's sticker price was around three million, and it definitely cost more than that by the time it arrived in someone's hands.

Thinking of her own school transportation, a car barely over a million, Jiang Xinxuan realized that the Su Mu she now knew was not the Su Mu she knew before.

She hopped into the car lightly.

"Su Mu, you've really become a young master now."

"I find it quite sudden myself."

Su Mu smiled helplessly.

"Have you decided what movie you want to watch?"

"No, let's just head to the cinema and see what's showing."

Jiang Xinxuan shook her head, Su Mu's invitation had been so abrupt that Jiang Xinxuan hadn't had time to think about these things.

"Okay, to Wanda Plaza."

The driver knew this was directed at him and immediately followed the instruction to drive out.

In the cinema, watching a movie was just an excuse; this was essentially Su Mu and Jiang Xinxuan's first date.

Whether it was the darkness of the movie theater or their mutual understanding,

The two people reaching for popcorn naturally touched hands.

Su Mu naturally seized the opportunity to firmly encase that soft little hand in his own.

After a token struggle, Jiang Xinxuan let Su Mu continue to hold her hand.

Both were willing lovers all along.

If it weren't for Su Mu intentionally keeping his distance, would their relationship still just be at the stage of holding hands?

Until the movie ended, Su Mu's hand had not let go of Jiang Xinxuan's.

As for what played on the screen, neither of them paid attention.

What started out as a large hand cradling a small one ended up with fingers interlocked.