Chapter 13: Future Benefits

Women who come to the Super LM Fitness Center naturally have a certain status.

Whether born into families with good conditions or having climbed the social ladder through their own efforts and connections.

Naturally, they also have a few more scruples or considerations than the average woman.

Looking at Su Mu's handsome face and the full vitality emanating from his body, although the women were itching inside, they only looked.

"Handsome guy, are you an athlete?"

Of course, there were exceptions who were particularly bold.

Su Mu glanced at the woman who had struck up a conversation with him.

A 9 out of 10 for her face and a perfect 10 for her figure, she was quite outstanding.


Giving the beauty some face, Su Mu uttered two words.

The beauty wasn't put off by Su Mu's coolness.

Although she was usually surrounded by men flattering her, none had ever spoken to her like this.

But he was a handsome guy with excellent physical fitness, and naturally, he had certain privileges.

The beauty knew that men who came to the Super LM Fitness Center were all wealthy.

Her purpose for coming here was to snag a wealthy husband in the first place.

However, her standards were too high, demanding wealth, a young age, good looks, and vigor.

Regarding wealth, to some extent, all the men who came here could be considered.

Unfortunately, it was very difficult to meet all the beauty's requirements at once.

The beauty had actually given up until she saw Su Mu and felt that her membership was money well spent.

"Not an athlete? Handsome guy, you're quite impressive then."

"At your level, you could easily outclass those professional athletes."

Su Mu smiled and did not respond.

He ran a bit faster and that's outclassing professional athletes?

If he were to demonstrate his full Champion Physical Fitness, couldn't he dominate the sports world?

"Handsome guy, my name is Lin Mumu. May I add you on WeChat?"

"Perhaps my physical fitness would improve too if I ran with you."

Su Mu did not respond, but the beauty was not discouraged, actively asking for his contact information.

In an era that values appearance, Su Mu, taking into account the beauty's 9 out of 10 face and perfect 10 figure, agreed.

Only, the name Lin Mumu sounded familiar to Su Mu, yet he could not remember where he had heard it.

Perhaps it was strange to have four 'mu' characters in one name.

Su Mu directly reported a string of numbers, and Lin Mumu excitedly added the handsome guy on WeChat.

Su Mu had been running for over an hour and knew the principle of moderation.

He turned off the treadmill, ready to leave.

"Handsome guy, let's keep in touch."

The beauty did not hold him back, waving him off with a smile as she watched Su Mu walk out.

Other women who wanted to strike up a conversation but were mindful of their dignity or their current status.

They felt a sharp pang of jealousy seeing the bright smile on the face of the girl who had exchanged WeChat contacts with Su Mu.

Sweating from the run, Su Mu took a shower at the fitness center and changed his clothes before stepping out of the club.

The driver, upon seeing Su Mu emerge, immediately drove the Bentley over.

He got out, opened the car door for Su Mu, waited with a bow for him to get in, and then closed the door.

"Is that the handsome guy from the run earlier?"

"Do you even need to ask? When have you ever seen someone that handsome around here?"

"Oh my God, he's getting into a top-of-the-line Bentley Mulsanne."

"If I had known, I would have asked for his contact details."

Lin Mumu, who had come out of the club, naturally witnessed the scene as well.

She smiled confidently; her judgment in people was spot on.

Lin Mumu felt Su Mu met all her criteria.

It's just that Su Mu didn't seem very enthusiastic about her.

It seemed that wealthy handsome guys had much higher standards than others.

Su Mu was unaware of Lin Mumu's thoughts.

As for Lin Mumu's advances, Su Mu only entertained the common man's idea.

He thought it might just be a stroke of romantic luck.

Having returned to the mansion, it was already quite late.

Su Mu took another bath before returning to the warm embrace of the large bed.

He checked his phone and saw a few WeChat messages from Jiang Xinxuan.

"The get-together is over, so boring. What are you up to?"

"Are you too busy? Don't have time?"

"Well, get back to me when you have time then."

Su Mu noticed that Jiang Xinxuan had been sending a message every ten minutes or so.

Now, it had been over half an hour since Jiang Xinxuan's last message.

After returning to the castle, Su Mu hadn't touched his phone, thus missing his girlfriend's loving calls.

"I went to the gym to exercise for a bit before heading home."

"Have you rested?"

Su Mu wasn't sure if Jiang Xinxuan was asleep by the time he replied to her message.

"Not yet, you still went to exercise so late?"

Jiang Xinxuan must have been waiting with her phone in hand.

As soon as Su Mu sent a message, she immediately replied.

"Yeah, I was bored at home, so I went to work out a bit, that way you can also have some benefits in the future, right?"


Jiang Xinxuan didn't immediately grasp what Su Mu meant.

Su Mu sent a laughing emoji.

"You're being naughty."

Jiang Xinxuan realized what he meant and accused him with an angry emoji.

"Am I? I'm truly working hard for our future happiness."


Once the sweet nothings start between young lovers, it's hard to stop.

The two of them continued to flirt, sending messages back and forth.

With Champion Physical Fitness on his side, Su Mu didn't feel fatigued at all.

Only when Jiang Xinxuan was really too sleepy did she reluctantly say goodnight to Su Mu.

Checking the time, it was already one in the morning.

Does time really fly when you're nourished by love?

Su Mu smiled, feeling no tiredness whatsoever.

But it was still time to rest.

Hadn't he and Jiang Xinxuan made plans to go shopping together tomorrow?

He set his phone to silent mode, turned off the light, and Su Mu went to meet Lord Zhou in his dreams.

The next morning came early.

Years of habit had trained Su Mu to wake up early without needing a reminder.

"Morning, Grandpa."

After a simple wash, Su Mu went to the castle's large garden to find his grandfather.

Yesterday, when he saw Elder Su practicing Tai Chi alone, Su Mu had an idea.

"Xiao Mu, why are you up so early?"

Old Master Su knew his grandson had come home late the night before.

Thinking that young people typically like to sleep in, Elder Su had intentionally not asked anyone to wake Su Mu for breakfast.

"Grandpa, I want to learn Tai Chi."

Su Mu was dressed in sportswear, showing genuine interest.

"Learn Tai Chi? Don't you young people think it's an old person's exercise?"

Old Master Su didn't stop his movements, asking with a chuckle.

"Not at all, Grandpa, that's just what uninformed people say."

"Practicing Tai Chi has many benefits. It strengthens the body, and it can also calm and nurture the temperament."

"People are too impulsive these days. In my opinion, we should really promote Tai Chi Fist."

"Turn it into a national sport, wouldn't our society become much more harmonious?"

Su Mu had already put in some effort to understand the basics of Tai Chi Fist.

But Su Mu didn't want to say to Old Master Su: Grandpa, I want to spend more time with you.

That would be too melodramatic and not suited to him.