Chapter 11 Remember to Breathe Next Time

"Well, I'm going to head in now."

Seeing that the Lamborghini had already stopped at the gate of his family's villa complex, Jiang Xinxuan was ready to get out of the car.

"Hold on a second, you're not planning on just leaving like that, are you?"

Su Mu pulled Jiang Xinxuan, who was about to get out of the car, towards him, corners of his mouth hooked up with a hint of a mischievous smile, and asked.

"Is there something else?"

Jiang Xinxuan asked innocently, as he had already explained himself and even promised to accompany Su Mu on another shopping trip tomorrow.

Was there still something that hadn't been made clear?

Su Mu looked at Jiang Xinxuan, who gazed back innocently, feeling a bit vexed.

Weren't they already dating?

Shouldn't they seal their relationship with some kind of physical declaration?

He glanced at Xiao Wang who was sitting solemnly in the driver's seat.

Su Mu's desire to drive the car himself grew stronger.

"Xiao Wang, go and get me a bottle of water," he commanded.

"Yes, young master," Xiao Wang agreed without question and got out of the car, closing the door behind him.

"Su Mu, are you very thirsty?"

Jiang Xinxuan was perplexed.

"Of course, I'm incredibly thirsty right now," Su Mu replied.

No sooner had he finished speaking than Su Mu pulled Jiang Xinxuan in and pressed his lips against hers.

The inexperienced Jiang Xinxuan just stood there with her eyes wide open in shock.

As there was no other way, Su Mu reached out and covered Jiang Xinxuan's wide eyes.

That created a better atmosphere.

It was a simple and pure kiss, devoid of any impropriety.

Feeling Jiang Xinxuan's face flushing red, Su Mu finally let her go.

"Remember to breathe next time."


She nodded her head in agreement, keeping it lowered.

Although Jiang Xinxuan was unprepared, as it was her first kiss with the person she liked, she found it incredibly sweet.

"I'm going back now."

Taking the Dior shopping bag that Su Mu handed over, Jiang Xinxuan got out of the car, her face still flushed.

Touching the corner of his mouth, who's to say that it wasn't also Su Mu's first kiss?

Jiang Xinxuan hadn't walked far when Xiao Wang quickly returned to the car.

"Young master, here's your water."

Knowing that the young master had sent him to get water just to send him away, Xiao Wang dutifully ran to a nearby convenience store and bought a bottle of water.

However, Xiao Wang only came back slowly after making sure Jiang Xinxuan had gotten out of the car.

"Let's go back."

Accepting the water, Su Mu placed it aside.

"Yes, young master."

The Lamborghini was very comfortable, and Su Mu rested with his eyes closed for a while.

What flashed through his mind was the shy appearance of Jiang Xinxuan just moments before.


"Young master, we're here."

Su Mu hadn't been paying attention to the time until Xiao Wang's reminder made him realize they had already returned to the mansion.

"Just drive straight to the car garage," Su Mu instructed.

He had been thinking that in order to make dating more convenient in the future, he needed to learn to drive as soon as possible.

Following the system's guidance and his experience from the first sign-in,

today Su Mu wanted to try his luck signing in at the car garage.

If his guess was correct, he felt the surprise would be more than satisfying.

"Alright, young master," Xiao Wang responded, without any unnecessary chatter, and drove the Lamborghini straight to the mansion's garage.

It was Su Mu's first time in the car garage, which was nothing like what he had imagined at all.

Su Mu thought that even though his family was wealthy,

the most would be his dad, mom, and two drivers who knew how to drive.

Hence, a garage with about ten cars would seem abundant.

Only once he saw the scene before him did Su Mu realize he had completely misunderstood the term "car garage."

Gazing at the rows upon rows in the large garage, easily housing no fewer than thirty vehicles, Su Mu was left awestruck.

Ferrari, Bentley, Lincoln, Rolls-Royce, Maybach…

All the cars whose names he could and couldn't recall were neatly parked there.

"Sign in at the garage!"

He had no time to waste scrutinizing those cars.

After all, they were his family's cars; he could get to know them whenever he wanted.

Signing in at the garage wasn't driven by a desire to admire the vehicles.

"Ding! Successfully signed in at the garage, reward received: Champion Steering Skill!"

No sooner had the system's voice ended than knowledge about driving skills began to fill Su Mu's mind.

As the points of knowledge rapidly shifted in his mind, Su Mu felt a slight tingling sensation throughout his nerves.


Now, all he needed was a driver's license to be able to drive on his own.

Then, whenever something occurred between lovers such as Jiang Xinxuan and himself, it wouldn't be such a hassle.

Su Mu had always held a deep affection for cars.

Now that he possessed the Champion Steering Skill, he naturally had to indulge himself.

"Xiao Wang, where are the keys to these cars?"

Not wanting to drive the Lamborghini SUV, Su Mu felt that a sports car would be more thrilling.

"The keys are all in the duty room, guarded by Housekeeper Fook."

Su Mu glanced around and saw only one Lamborghini sports car that he found remotely appealing.

The rest didn't suit him at all.

"Go get the keys for this car."

Pointing at the Lamborghini sports car, Su Mu instructed.

Although he didn't yet have a driver's license, he was backed by the Champion Steering Skill.

This was Huadong City, atop a mountain by the sea; there was no mention of traffic police inspections.

To not showcase his skills would be unjustifiable.

"Young master, are you planning to drive?"

Ah Fook had rushed to the garage upon hearing that Su Mu wanted the keys.

Hadn't the young master just had him sign him up for a driving school today?

Why was he already planning to drive?

The young master was the sole heir of the Su Family, and nothing should be overlooked regarding his safety.

Clenching the keys to the Lamborghini sports car Su Mu had specified, Ah Fook was adamant, almost as if he were prepared to protect the keys with his life.

"Yes," Su Mu held out his hand, signaling Ah Fook to hand over the keys.

"Young master, I've already made all the arrangements for you."

"If you're in a hurry, you can take the subject one test in three days."

"The test materials for subject one, I've already put them in your room, there shouldn't be any problem."

"Then we can schedule the practical driving sessions."

"Young master, as long as you master the driving skills, we can arrange the rest of the tests immediately."

"I guarantee you'll get your driver's license in the shortest time possible."

Ah Fook, subconsciously assuming that Su Mu didn't know how to drive and concerned for his safety, earnestly tried to dissuade him.

Indeed, Ah Fook's assumption was correct.

How could Su Mu, who hadn't touched a steering wheel in eighteen years, possibly know how to drive?

But with the system's blessing, Su Mu was no longer one to be judged by conventional thinking.

"Ah Fook, it's not that I don't know how to drive; I just don't have a license,"

"Give me the keys."

Su Mu's outstretched hand was starting to feel sore—was Ah Fook being a tad too stubborn?

"Young master, are you serious?"

Partially incredulous but considering Su Mu's earnest demeanor, Ah Fook felt that he had watched the young master grow up since he was a child.

The young master didn't seem like someone who would be irresponsible.

"Truer than gold!"

"If I truly couldn't drive, then having the keys would be useless, wouldn't it?"

Upon reflection, Ah Fook felt there was a point in what the young master said.

Only then did he let go of his worry and handed over the keys he had been safeguarding.