Chapter 25 The Treasure of the Store

"One hundred percent."

Su Mu reported his score nonchalantly.

"One, one hundred percent?"

Not to mention the proctor, none of the others believed it either.

It wasn't that no one could score one hundred percent.

The subject one test was essentially just the knowledge from a book.

If one put in a bit more effort, getting a high score wasn't a problem.

It was much simpler than the college entrance exam, right?

The issue was that Su Mu's one hundred percent had been achieved in just eight minutes.

Even if Su Mu had memorized all the knowledge points, he still had to look at each of the one hundred questions one by one, right?

If you spent an hour to score one hundred percent, no one would find it so surprising.

But if you only took a few minutes, easily grabbing a perfect score.

How were those who had just started the test supposed to feel?

The proctor thought he had seen many test-takers, but he had never seen anyone like Su Mu.