Chapter 157: Are You Willing to Pair Up?

"Clap, clap, clap..."

As the song ended, the applause thundered on incessantly.

This time, it wasn't because Su Mu was the young master of the Su Family corporation.

It was simply because Su Mu sang too well.

Several people who previously thought they were karaoke kings were deeply shaken by Su Mu's singing prowess.

Everyone had the same thought: from now on, they couldn't show off their singing in front of Su Mu.

"Why aren't you singing anymore?"

Su Mu also noticed that He Qiya had stopped singing after a few lines and put down the microphone.

Perplexed, could it be that He Qiya's Ice Mountain Beauty persona was acting up again?

Originally, when he saw He Qiya gladly pick up the microphone to sing with him, Su Mu thought that his mom had exaggerated He Qiya's situation.

Now, with He Qiya's current behavior, Su Mu didn't understand what went wrong.

"Your singing is too beautiful, I didn't want to spoil it."