Chapter 179: A Glorious and Arduous Task

The only possible problem that could have existed was resolved, and Su Mu put his mind at ease.

Flipping open New Concept English, Su Mu randomly turned to a page and started reading.

It has to be said, acquiring Champion English Speaking Skill really made a difference.

For some English words, Su Mu felt that he was pronouncing them just like before.

But the effect of his pronunciation was now very different.

Su Mu discovered that his accent now had no difference from the standard British pronunciation.

It was quite authentic.

"I wonder if Xuanxuan's cousin's boyfriend has an authentic English accent?"

Now that his own problem was resolved, Su Mu found the leisure to be concerned about others.

Of course, Su Mu's concern was not unfounded.

After all, Canadians learn Canadian English, which is neither American English nor British English.

Although Canadian English is very similar to American English, there are still some minor differences.