Chapter 188 Regret Is Already Too Late

He Qiya had no extra attention to spare for the waiter's gaze.

Right now, He Qiya's entire focus was on the delicacies before her.

Su Mu had said, this was his birthday gift to her.

He Qiya naturally wouldn't waste a bit of it.

Even though He Qiya knew Su Mu had just said it casually.

But He Qiya didn't mind these things.

To He Qiya, it seemed Su Mu still cared about her.

Su Mu, watching the woman across from him engrossed in her meal, felt like he didn't quite recognize He Qiya anymore.

After all, He Qiya had spent several years abroad.

And just now, He Qiya had also made it clear she was somewhat tired of Western food.

Seeing He Qiya's performance now, Su Mu somehow thought He Qiya still really liked Western food after all.

At least, that's how it appeared on the surface.

Su Mu lifted the beverage beside him and took a sip.

It tasted pretty good.

Leaning back in his chair, Su Mu waited for Miss He to finish enjoying her delicacy.

"Su Mu, I'm done,"