Chapter 247: Take Fewer Detours

He Qiya had never been in love, not to mention knowing how to begin.

Now it was up to He Qiya to take the initiative, a task that was still quite challenging for her.

Presently, all He Qiya could do was follow her mother's instructions step by step to get closer to Su Mu.

Dining out was the only excuse He Qiya could think of so far.

And this excuse seemed reasonable and justifiable, not too abrupt.

If there wasn't a good excuse, it would be impossible to casually invite Mr. Su out for a meal.

Would the young master of the Su Family Corporation be lacking money for a meal?

Moreover, He Qiya had already discovered that Su Mu's earning ability was very strong.

"Let's talk about it another time."

Seeing the determination on He Qiya's face, Su Mu didn't want to discuss the matter of a meal in the public eye.

"Don't you have time today?"

He Qiya was slightly stunned; although Su Mu hadn't directly rejected her, he had only agreed in a noncommittal way.