Chapter 242: Private Space

He Qiya did a few warm-up exercises before getting on the treadmill.

Running was an exercise He Qiya often did at home.

Because she didn't like interacting with others, He Qiya had set up a small gym in her villa after she returned to the country.

Equipment like the treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical machine, AMT fitness machine...

Though it was called a small gym, the equipment in He Qiya's home was truly quite plentiful.

He Qiya had never thought that she would go to a fitness center, which was why she had equipped her home with all these.

Whenever she had free time, He Qiya was either driving around or spending time alone in the gym at her villa.

Both her car and the gym in her villa were very private spaces.

He Qiya didn't have to worry about anyone disturbing her.

Nor did she have to consider whether she needed to communicate or interact with people.