Chapter 255 Making the Final Decision

"I think they're all very beautiful, Cousin, do you find anything unsatisfactory?"

It must be said that Jiang Xinxuan really understood her cousin well.

When Bai Wanting asked for Jiang Xinxuan's opinion, Jiang Xinxuan knew that her cousin must be dissatisfied with the other two wedding dresses.

If Bai Wanting liked them, she would have been decisive like with the first dress.

She wouldn't need anyone else to say much, Bai Wanting would express her own attitude clearly.

But Jiang Xinxuan really didn't understand.

All three wedding dresses looked very good on her cousin.

Why did her cousin only fancy the first one and not like the other two?

"Yes, they do look good, but I always feel like something is missing."

For the first dress, Bai Wanting would have settled on it without any hesitation.

It was because Bai Wanting had only intended to use that dress for the wedding photo shoot.

So, her requirements weren't as strict.