Chapter 269 Nobility

"Shut your mouth."

Manager Luo had not expected Xiao Qing to be so insolent.

She had not even finished communicating with the customer, and there Xiao Qing was, butting in and talking nonsense.

Manager Luo had said she would punish the staff present.

But Manager Luo was not an unreasonable person.

After dealing with the customer's issue, she would, of course, make sure everything was clear before punishing anyone within the bridal shop.

With Xiao Qing's interjection, Manager Luo found herself somewhat at a loss for words.

She had just told the customer that she would punish the bridal shop staff.

And as soon as the words were out, her own employee had jumped out to express a contrary opinion.

From the customer's perspective, wouldn't they think that Manager Luo's words lacked credibility?

One could imagine how bad Manager Luo's face must have looked due to Xiao Qing's unexpected move.