Chapter 293 Worthy of Su Mu

Su Mu made a call to his mother, not too far from everyone, but also not too close.

The call was quickly answered.

Even though the crowd standing there, waiting for Su Mu to tell them the result, couldn't hear what exactly Su Mu was saying,

they saw Su Mu's mouth open and close, so they knew that the call to Director Bai had gone through.

The volume of Su Mu's call wasn't very loud, just normal, with no increase in volume.

Plus, there was a certain distance between Su Mu and the crowd.

So those standing there waiting for the result could only see Su Mu's mouth moving, but couldn't hear what he was actually saying.

Wang Yizhong looked at the young scion of his company who was on the phone.

He then glanced at Bai Wanting, who said she was ready to pick out a new wedding dress, but now had both eyes fixed on Su Mu.

Of course, Bai Wanting wasn't staring at Su Mu because he was handsome.

Su Mu was her cousin's boyfriend, and besides, Bai Wanting herself was about to get married.