Chapter 296: Not Even Idol Dramas Have This Effect

"It looks like my phone call was in vain."

Su Mu shook his head with some regret, seemingly truly regretting that the call he made was for nothing.

"What do you mean? Didn't you say your mother disagreed with selling the wedding dress in the cabinet?"

Bai Wanting was puzzled by Su Mu's words.

What Su Mu meant was that if Bai Wanting no longer wanted the wedding dress in the cabinet, then his phone call was in vain.

Normally, people would interpret that to mean Su Mu's call was not pointless.

Had Xiuping agreed to Allen's request and decided to sell the wedding dress designed by Madam Wang Weiwei?

But after hanging up the phone, Su Mu clearly said his mother disagreed with selling the dress.

That's why Bai Wanting and Jiang Xinxuan thought that Su Mu's words to Allen probably meant that Su Mu was preparing to decide on his own.

Not wanting to cause any trouble over a wedding dress, Bai Wanting took the initiative to compromise.