Chapter 299: Don't Even Think About Touching the Young Master

Wang Yizhong gave Luo Bin a look that said, "You figure it out," and without a word, he followed up the stairs.

Such a good opportunity to get close to the young master; Wang Yizhong thought unless his head was screwed on wrong, he would never pass up the chance to go upstairs.

After all, the young master hadn't said that he couldn't follow him upstairs, right?

It was known that here, aside from the young master, Wang Yizhong's rank was the highest.

If the young master had time later, Wang Yizhong figured he might be able to exchange a few words with him.

If he missed this opportunity, by the time the young master went to the Su Family Group, Wang Yizhong's luck wouldn't be so good.

At the Su Family Group, Wang Yizhong's position would not be considered very high.

It was just a middle management role, after all.

By that time, Wang Yizhong knew there would be no chance for him to speak with the young master.