Chapter 306: The Shadow Assassin

Seeing that Su Mu was looking at his phone and hadn't noticed the hilarious scene with Allen, Jiang Xinxuan turned her head back as well.

Bai Wanting felt speechless about Allen's tendency to speak out of turn sometimes.

Though it was probably just Allen showing he cared.

But this was in her native country, and Bai Wanting still felt somewhat embarrassed by it.

Several staff members, upon hearing the groom-to-be's words, also struggled to suppress their laughter.

Foreigners will be foreigners, huh? Not knowing to avoid certain topics, how could he openly confess his love in public like that?

Luckily, everyone was young and not too conservative, finding the situation rather amusing without any other thoughts.

Thanks to Allen's words, the atmosphere around Bai Wanting had eased quite a bit.

Everyone just laughed, not speaking.

Allen, seeing everyone's reaction, really started to get anxious.

Had he made some cultural faux pas again?