Chapter 352: Ill Intentions

Experience trumps age, and this saying couldn't be more accurate.

Huang Yuqin had foreseen the possibility of this situation arising even before Su Mu appeared at Xinghuan Entertainment.

So having He Qiya accompany her was essentially nipping those naive dreams of the young girls in the bud.

Not to mention, these girls still hoped to become superstars under the auspices of Xinghuan Entertainment.

Of course, it was impossible to offend the daughter of the big boss of one's own company.

Plus, these starry-eyed girls were all pretty shrewd.

Just by assessing the handsome guy's worth, everyone had already recognized the gap between him and themselves.

How could they risk offending the young miss by trying to "hit on" the handsome guy?

Not getting any meat but attracting a lot of problems is definitely not a good deal.

Let alone securing a future at Xinghuan Entertainment.