Chapter 370: Win Everything?

The assistant did bring in three fresh cups of coffee this time.

It must have been Zhou Lina's instruction, as Four Eyes had finished the sketches, and Zhou Lina certainly couldn't leave Four Eyes out on his own this time.

The assistant was quite perceptive.

He first brought the coffee to the table in front of Su Mu.

Then to He Qiya's.

And finally, to Four Eyes, who was actually supposed to be the main person being sought out.

When the assistant placed the third cup of coffee on the table in front of Four Eyes, he had just put down his drawing paper.

Seeing that he finally had a cup of coffee in front of him too, Four Eyes looked at the young assistant with gratitude.

Four Eyes' gaze was a bit too intense, leaving the assistant completely baffled.

Looking at this gentleman with glasses, one could tell he was a man of wealth by his attire.

Why would just a mere cup of coffee elicit such a grateful expression from this bespectacled gentleman?