Chapter 375: Extremely Strong Practical Ability

Seeing the black Ferrari start, Zhou Lina and Wang Yiming couldn't maintain their composure any longer.

Zhou Lina and Wang Yiming worked in perfect unison, striking from both sides with a pincer move.

The two successfully bypassed the security guard's sturdy physique, using their combined effort to completely block him behind them.

"Mr. Su, take care."

"Mr. Su, take care."

Just like the security guard, Zhou Lina and Wang Yiming didn't need to worry about whether Mr. Su in the Ferrari could hear their respectful send-off.

The point was that they definitely had to show their attitude.

After all, the two had more brains than the security guard; besides mouthing respectful phrases, Zhou Lina and Wang Yiming had reached a synchronized understanding.

Both of them then simultaneously raised their right hands and began waving at the black Ferrari.