Chapter 385 Inexplicable Jealousy

"How did it go? What did your cousin's mother say, did she agree?"

"Can we go to Yude High School to find someone?"

"Or should we wait until your cousin's mother has talked to your cousin's father before we can have any concrete news?"

He Qiya had already hung up the phone, and Four Eyes asked anxiously.

Four Eyes had been listening carefully with perked ears while He Qiya was on the phone.

Unfortunately, He Qiya only briefly mentioned wanting to go to Yude High School to look for someone and didn't say much afterward.

As for what He Qiya's cousin's mother's response was, Four Eyes was even less clear.

Four Eyes could only focus intently on his own position, listening.

But Four Eyes couldn't very well stick his ear next to He Qiya's phone to listen, either.

It's not that Four Eyes and He Qiya were that close yet.

Even if they were very close friends, it'd still be unthinkable to actually do such a thing.