Chapter 389 Rejected More Than Once


Seeing that Four Eyes and the other two had already turned the corner out of the parking lot, Su Mu took out his phone to while away the idle time.

Su Mu knew that it was impossible for Four Eyes to come back without spending quite some time.

If everything went smoothly, Four Eyes would likely take even longer.

Su Mu, who had nothing to do, had no interest in wandering around Yude High School.

Having just finished his three years of high school, Su Mu naturally had no interest in other high schools.

He didn't know exactly how much time had passed as he wasn't keeping track.

"Dong dong"

The glass of the driver's side window on the black Ferrari was gently tapped twice.

Su Mu shifted his gaze away from his mobile phone screen and looked outside the window, where He Qiya was bending over, standing next to his car.

Su Mu lowered the window a bit. Since He Qiya was standing right next to the car door, it wasn't convenient for Su Mu to open the door and get out.