One truth To many.

It took Us the Time to get home Before anything was said.

My parents Got us inside, I didn't realize our house wasn't Huge but it was rather nice Two stories, Six bedroom, two bathrooms, one living room with A Holographic deck TV And Also a dining room with attached kitchen.

We sat at our dining room table Mom and dad sitting next to each other and I was on the opposite side.

Mom spoke first.

Gina:"Let's Get past our first issue, You realize what will happen over the next three years..."

Rin:" I have vague Idea."

Gina:" You Will not get a choice To go free... This power of yours it's Not So Simple."

Rin:" I know and my Sisters isn't either her being the Next hero Saint and all..."

* My father's jaw dropped and my mother shifted in her seat as she looked at me, I felt fhe pressure grow with her next words.*

Gina:" What have you done with my son and who are you?!"

" Better yet, How much do you know!"

Rin:" I am your Son Genuinely, But I also have the memories of the man, The one Whom gave his Life for mine to continue."

" My sister Asked for a an Affinity that could save me and got the Pillars of Solomon and The Wings of Creation, And Thus The Saint Of Affinity Justice And The Man whos soul Powered my Ascension His name Was James Rico."

" They gave me a second chance But it was only Given to me Since My Sister The next Hero Begged an acknowledged Saint."

"She got his favor, and As a gift to her."

"He not only Helped save my life By doing something like an Optimization on the Affinity I gained."

" He Gave me a new style of Affinity, Called a skill Affinity."

"Other than That, I know nothing substantial but I have my guesses..."

Gina:" I... I can't Begin to Question you?!"

Roland:" I can ask this for certain."

"How do I genuinely know you are my son, How long have you been swayed by this other Soul!?"

Rin:" I want to lie To you and say very little."

Gina:" Since birth... I have felt it since I birthed you."

Roland:" You knew?"

Gina:" No, Not exactly but as his mother I had a suspicion."

"The way he acts Always Seemed a little Adult."

Rin:" Right, Although It's not exactly like Your son never existed."

Roland:" But You Were another person, Another man's Son?!"

"You lived your life, What of my son!!"

Gina:" Honey he is and always Will be our son, No matter the..."

* My father stood and walked away from us slamming out the door.

My mother sat back in her chair and stared me in the eyes She looked deep into my soul Causing me to Flinch as I tried to avoid her gaze.

I was unable to do that though as her words hurt my chest a little bit.*

Gina:" I birthed you but I feel Less connected than I ever thought I would of a child of mine?"

Rin:" Honestly, Nine years has been An Adjustment mentally."

Gina:" That's how you see this as an adjustment!?"

" My son!! Did he ever truely live Or has it been you this entire time just enjoying your second chance at life?!"

"Are you Just adjusting as You skip about through bodies freely!"

* I may have said to much as she stood and gripped her Side She fell to her knees as Blood slowly leaked through her gear.

Out of instinct I knew I could heal that, I stood and walked near her.

She Flinched and Summoned a pure silver Dagger.

I paused and from the distance i was at I put my hand up slowly I spoke Calmly as My eyes Twitched.

I knew I was crying again and I Sniffled a few times before I spoke clearly well in a broken breath.

Definitely with a broken heart...*

Rin:" I Understand, Anomaly sense, Soothing Sense, Dull Heal, Heavy Heal, Regenerative beat."

*After I knew she was safe I turned around And Walked away.

I wasn't in their eyes, their child I assume, What did I expect other than that?

That is the day I left home, It's now been Two Weeks...

At first it was difficult for me Because we live in a Small Queendom Ruled City.

It isn't exactly What I thought since I've Been House Raised but now I'm Wild!

Welp To be honest the City had some modernized assemblages, It had buildings Mainly of Bricks and stone.

Although there was taller sky scrapers made with glass and Steel nothing was Overly built and rather streamlined for a very Even Look.

Along the Sky scrapers were Decks that docked Ships and much More.

I mean there was a large Black boat that was flying, it had sails and everything but soared like it was a damn rocket ship and moved just as Well as the obvious spaceships.

Although that city and kingdom is Protected fully by a large Wall built of stone, steel, and Lots of hard work.

It was completely surrounded by a forest With unexplainable large trees.

I was never going to be able to survive inside the city.

So I took my time to venture into that large forest, I mean I am a tamer right?

Let's get this straight I am only a few Hundred feet outside of the city and I am Already scared for my life...

Let's be clear, I haven't Even gone far enough to say I should be in danger!

The damn forest Threw me into perils Before I got to leave, I can't even begin to explain my face For this!

Fear does not describe the emotional pain I am in right now in My life this is worse than death!

I must endure, I slowly turned myself away walking away Very rigidly.

Yep, I pulled up and cashed in the full Nope ticket as Fully Charged with One million Nopes plus.

I was Freed from the Gigantic spider web and a large Grey spider In that web hissing as it lifted It's Rear end.

It had a small Patch that looked like an Apple that was Greedy red Like Blood.

it's Eyes Were Ugly red Also, Either way I Max Noped that Fucker and Made sure to take a wide path around and away from that Shit show.

That's how I ended up lost forever within this forest, Happily ever after.

Nah, Just kidding about the Forever part at least cause I am Totally lost No doubt.

I am positive when I say I can't possibly be To far into the forest but the sheer sense of direction is completely gone.

I haven't Been out here for to long But I guarantee I will be here a little while.

That is Two days later I found my way Back and My Saving Grace was that Spider web, Turns out the Bugs don't get lost in this forest.

Also this is going to sound wierd But it feels like I have a mental map Of the Area I've been in although I feel like I could easily get lost again.

Just Not in this immediate area around me for a Mile that is.

I didn't do much, In my two day of lost adventure.

But I did find A Few bags of Edible berries, And I know they are since I found some squirrel like creatures eating them.

That is until I got into town...

After I got into town I Found some shops.

Turns out that This town has A point of Interest called the RavenHold Bazaar, It sells everything from Food, to tools, To Materials And even Slaves.

I did a double take over the Slave stage, I mean Please I am no Pervert but even I had to admire the Products...

It's not like I was unable to peel myself away but the Man announcing caught my interest.

Announcer:" Come here, come here, See all buy all."

"We got Slaves to meet all needs, Fishing, cleaning, cooking, Farm work, And much more!"

"We got humans, Beast Kin, Beasts of Burden, And even an illusive Diedlich."

* A woman in the crowd Stood and spoke, She had Grey hair and Blue eyes Her figure for an older woman was amazing.

She had on a form fitting green dress with two Golden blades at her hips.

The man next to her raised his arm after she stood But obviously regretted it when his blood Painted the Behind Him.

His head and Hit the Ground with a splashing sound, His blood was hot a day the scent was Thick.

I titled my head as the man's eyes met mine His eyes grew dark, My mind went Blank for a second.

The next thing I know My foot moved on its own Like my mouth. *

Rin:" At least have the decency to keep your mess contained."

" It's not like everyone else was involved in the stupidity of this man."

Nora:" Do my actions Bother you?"

* The man's head rolled to her feet only stopping after thumping against her Red boots.

She bent down to pick his head up.*

Nora:" So, a friend of your eh?"

Rin:" You are as dumb as you are blind!?"

* Her sword Slid past my Head Slicing off a few hairs nicking my left cheek and ear.

I felt it and winced but I didn't flinch or move as I glared at her.

At this point I knew I stepped into a huge pile as for the consistency that was Now up to her.

Soft squirts or Linkin logs...

It was totally up to her as our eyes Glared Daggers at each other.

The blood Slid Down my cheek And Pooled on my shirt.

I was already Covered in quite a bit of blood But now it was my Own and A random strangers.

The Stare down continues as some of the other customers decided it wasn't worth it and left.

At this point I began To sweat profusely But I stood my ground.

She pulled her blade against my skin Cutting me Again on my ear and cheek!

She raised it and I felt me Heart slow Down as Time Clicked by slowly.

My HANDS reacted Out of fear and My thoughts were quite simple!