2.20.1 Tell me how do I feel? Breathless?

'And I was happy to get treated like a VIP, so many grades two protecting someone like me.' Alfin counted the people around him and found his current situation a bit troubling. He didn't know when they would attack. But he knew that they would and their target would be him.

High chance, they take him hostage to stop Elisa and Tarkov from acting up.

'Ah, what a pain, these people turned out way smarter than I thought.' Alfin found himself in a pinch. He can neither attack nor can he shout. He knows how tense everyone around him is. And when stress and tension are involved, accidents might happen.

'But sad for them, they didn't take the passive into account.' Without a word. Alfin put pressure on his legs and with a single kick, jumped into the air.

'Shoot me if you want, I am defenseless.'

Alfin felt the changes below him. The police officers that surrounded him acted their part and were confused by Alfin's random actions of jumping up.