3.18.4 Confession.

Pramaht remembers a time when she was young and how the world treated her, an outlier who could convene with the spirits of the dead.

Weaker spirits, not of the level of totems, hence she was deemed an outcast and thrown out of the tribe for the crime of being born with odd abilities that scared those not like her.

To her, family meant a place to come back to, they provided a sense of security that she hadn't felt ever since being kicked out of her tribe.

Hence becoming the very first reason that gave birth to the desire of a family of her own. Because the one she had before, had abandoned her. Hence the reason she went on to create a family of her own.

A family strong enough that those that previously denied her, came for her help. Those that refused to give her security, asked her to protect them.

And in her mindless pursuit of belonging, she did as she was told. Even if she was cruel to her enemies, she was weak to those that came to her for help.