The fall of the diviner

Mother, what is the problem he inquired as he rushed in, my king I will be fine, call me one of the maidens he ordered and immediately she hurried in, my king you sent for me, what did you girls make for my mother? Why is she running temperature, the numerous questions at the same time got the maid bemused because she didn't know the question to attend to first. 

We....we eh… we served her meal this morning your highness, "my son I need some rest take it easy with her okay I will be fine, I need some rest I think this was a result of the work I did yesterday, what works when you have slaves around, his words automatically transfigured the face of the maiden. Get out of my sight. I don't want to see you now. The maid staggered out of the room with a swollen face. 

The next morning Sir Poka, a notable chief, came to check on the Queen if her health is improving but the opposite was the case, she has ceased eating and her health is deteriorating rapidly, could this be the water she poured on her head that gets to her feet? Poka summoned him quietly with this question, by this time he was buried in his thoughts. Sir poker his majesty called what are you having in mind? Em…..em… he staggered with words to justify his thought nothing, I was thinking it will be pleased to invite the diviner, oh that's a nice idea let one of the guards get the diviner the king reply in an apologetic tone. Guard gets the priest to come and perform some rituals. 

The guard hurried down to Summon the priest. 

Did you send for me your majesty? Yes I do, the queen is sick and her health is diminishing so fast, where is she? He was directed down the room by a maid, you can never eat your cake and have it, what goes around comes round, the diviner made this powerful statement as he approach her, stop being a catalyst engineering evil in Zomuda, the less privileged are angry, body, soul, and spirit, just make peace with your people and you will be at peace. 

Peace! "What peace did I confisticate from them he asks innocently?" "Initiate your son to do good, not bad," this advice rupture her bile and she was bittered. "I cannot do anything unless you be at peace with your people and he left her sight," now I know you have bitten more than you can chew, son he called and created crocodile cry what is the problem, my mother? The diviner was insulting me that I killed your father, what!! 

Did he say this? Yes, more than this, Hala has forgotten he was with poker, he sent his soldiers to get the priest deleted, don't forget to bring me his head, his execution will serve as a deterrent for all the peoples. They went and get the man killed and brought his head, before they went for this mission he had to send Poker home to get back to him soon. 

The diviner was executed in cold blood, those that heard about the murder were short of words, all they could say is "karma will one day pay". 

The king's men were summoned two weeks after the death of the diviner to give an account of the oldest coconut tree, Poker who is the spoke man for the kingdom stood up to tell the story "some time ago the town of Zomuda was without human beings except for animals and trees, Zomuda was a tough and powerful warrior from the land of Kanshawanga, there was a great collision in the kingdom of Kanshawanga between the Queens on who to bear the next king, this conflict emanated from the king practising polygamy, Zomuda mother was the first wife, the king wasn't in a hurry for children then because of the unreserved love he had for Zomuda's mother but time was running out of her so she persuaded the king to get another wife as conceiving is a hard nut for her to crack, the king lag behind her opinion but later succumb to it. 

He brought in Tira as a second wife, they were living in harmony until Tira also find it had to procreate, Tira was uncomfortable with her state because she was desperate to have the crown Prince for the king, she consulted various diviners but nothing was wrong with her, at this point the heat was not only from zomuda mother to the rather the king's men were on his neck to give them an heir apparent to the throne. The great reign was now a nightmare for him to decode. 

He got married to numerous wives yet the bed still remain in its original position. What should I do he asked his wise men, everybody body was assigned to consult their god on this issue, still in the process of their research, Zomuda mother took in, the news of the pregnancy swept his highness off his feet and his joy knew no bound, this triggered the anger of her mate despite she was the first wife. 

After a month Zomuda mother's mate took in also and the excitement of his highnesses proliferate tremendously. They both had their child delivered safely but Zomuda stepmother nursed hatred for Zomuda and she was in a cold meeting on how to kill the boy because she gave birth to a girl child. The king was happy but he needed more children. The tragedy behind this is that both of the wives even the third one, ceased to have children. 

This gave the king a lot of concern and he summoned the diviner to find out the cause. It was discovered the second wife was a sorcerer, but she threatened to kill the diviner if he let the cat out of the bag. What should I say then the diviner asked? Tell them Zomuda is a fetch child, unless he is killed his highness would not hear the cry of a child again. The diviner delivered the message as she instructed, the king heart was cold and heavy on hearing this but he got to do it, he ordered for the execution of his only child, on that day Zomuda's mother cried dry her tears as no one was there to console her. The poor boy was led away by the king's men who only knew the truth about what was happening. 

They took him to a place called Mira (land of murder). You are innocent our child but we must obey his majesty's order, the grasshopper eating the cola is within it, we wouldn't stain our hand with innocent blood, find your way and make a life for yourself they told him and he left. As narrated by Prince zomuda to his children, when I escaped for my life I was engaged in series of wars with spirit being and the inhabitants of this very land we are now, there was a fight I engaged which paved way for me to inherit the land when the fight was getting tensed we entered into an agreement that whosoever conquer his enemy shall be the king of the land, a date was fixed that's after 21 days and every man went his ways to fortified himself.