The encounter of Via and Poker

It is now a year after Hala got married to Via, the Palace was in a pink state and the atmosphere is welcoming, because Lila through more weight on the happiness of everybody in the Palace, this was why she was loved by everyone in the Palace except her mate (Via) who sees her as a rivalry in every area.

The kingdom always talked about her benevolent act, not because she was a daughter of the soil but because her good always flaunted itself like the rising sun. The favour she gained from the people was due to her meekness and humbleness but Via who refused to pay attention to this department of success always cultivated malicious ideas in her heart but she never knew how to execute her ugly plan.

There was a beautiful sunny day, Via wanted to see the end of the kingdom, but she never knew where to start.

She was supposed to take a walk with Lila who knows the edge of the kingdom but her bitter mind wouldn't permit her to do so with her, and she knew this was the only surviving avenue at the moment to bridge the gap between Lila and Hala.

Via called to her maidens who were also indigen of the kingdom, "I want us to take a walk through the kingdom, it will be my pleasure to see some ornamental in this great kingdom, she said". Your wish is our command, your majesty the maidens chorus. Good, shall we? She asked in curiosity, one of the maidens who were fortunate to be on the trip said, "your majesty please, let me rush down to remove the clothes of the king from the line before we proceed".

"How dare you challenge me, who is this slave to tell me when to have her service? She yelled at the maid with a bunch of insults that she had never received in her life, never in your life, you dare to object to my order if not you will smell your stinky armpit that day. I'm sorry your majesty, sorry for yourself because you will leave to tell the story of today to your unborn peasant children''.

She was doing all this because she was aware of the consequences that will follow if the clothes remain in the line for a long time. After all, it was evening already. She knew the maid wouldn't go unpunished by the king.

"Shall we?" She thunder, yes your majesty they chorused the response, good bunch of nonentities she said as they set on their journey.

Throughout their walk Via wanted attention, she yelled at anybody that didn't genuflect while greeting her, those that encounter her will never live to forget their experience in a hurry.

On their way back to the Palace, they came across sir Poker who exchanges peasantry but she wasn't satisfied with his manner of greeting him. Are you greeting the Queen or my slaves, when did you lose your manners, is that how you greet the lion's wife? She asked him. Oh!!! I see, because you are a kingsman, you think you can open your stinky and unwashed mouth to say words as it pleases you? In the mix of all this sir Poker altered not a word, because his words might hurt him.

I am sorry your majesty, sorry for your poor and unborn generation. Her words sound painful like thunder in his words, it was obvious on his face but he can't pull a string. "Get out of my sight you son of bane she and breezed out from poker's sight".

Sir Poker couldn't say a word, because he had been fully entertained with a bag of insults from Via. "I know very soon the kingdom will come back to its horrible state with this woman in our midst but we must make hay while the sun shines if not we all will be swimming in the blood of the innocent I trust and heartless king to do more than that, especially now he has a good agonist that suits him".

Nonsense, "who are you to stand before me, no courtesy?" I shall deal with you, you will hear from my husband. Via was ranting as she headed towards the Palace, immediately they got to the entrance of the Palace she began to tears to attract the king's attention.

"What an insult, who is that fearless creature that instigates tears in my Queen Hala asked with a thunderous voice?" At this point, no one dares to interfere.

"My lord, Via called Hala with a jerked voice….… was who?" Talk to me let me crush the bastard that has the effrontery to touch the lion's tail. Who is that son of a bitch, Hala echo with his eyes erupting fire? It was Sir Poker. Yes, what happened between you and him? He insulted me, calling me a hobo. What…

….t?" Guards!!!!!! Go and fetch me that low-life homo sapien.

The guards flashed out of the Palace and grabbed Sir Poker on his way home. What is the problem? Before he could be asked, he was already in the air.

The Palace was silent immediately like a graveyard, they brought him and landed him roughly on the ground.

"So you are the one that has the effrontery to insult my wife, you bitch? No one steps on the lion's tail and goes scot-free, even if you go free, you will never forget your encounter with the lion".

You are very lucky that you are one of the reputable men in the kingdom. If not, I would drink my early morning wine with your skull.

"Guards, give him twelve strokes of the cane and lock him up in the guard room for 3 days, his food shall be water and remnant from our dishes. Take him away, then drag him roughly away and lock him up".

"Sorry, my lady, no one dares insult the lion and go scot-free", at this point Via's joy knows no bounds because she is getting what she wants.