Lila and her wardens

I haven't seen a kind-hearted human being like you, your status doesn't override you, I wish your husband could know what he has, Sir Poker said to Lila. 

Lila was clothed with a smile hearing sir Poker raining praise on her. Her maidens were all in pink, one of them whispered a word to her colleague, "we are lucky we have the almighty in the form of a human being, may her life be full with good health and longevity".

 We shall be on our way now sir, Lila said to Poker. "My lord may the almighty go with you and your maidens". This was the first time Poker called Lila my lord not even Hala the king he had addressed with that name. 

Ladies, Lila called her maidens, I told the king we were going for a walk, yes your majesty, Tarsha replied. We are going to see some parts of the kingdom which I had seen last about 10 years ago. We shall go to the bank of the river that borders our kingdom from the other kingdom. 

They all walked towards the east, their out was never in the bag, everybody that saw them hurriedly went and informed the others. Before they could get to the main road linking to where they were going, the road was already stuck with both old and young people, wasting greetings and prayers on her. This was where all her maidens knew the pedigree of the person they were serving. 

May you live long with our almighty that came to us in human form. The people chorused, she couldn't be kept in her stomach, Lila was full of smiles as she stood in the middle of her people while receiving their prayers. 

They never wanted to leave, though she had the intention of spending time with them it was to her detriment because of her cruel husband. She managed to find her and walked away from them because her journey was a little bit far. 

Some years ago my parents told me a story about a fairy 🧚‍♂️ tale, Queen Lila began as she walk with her maidens and guards but the story I am going to tell you now is about a Santa, Santa… of the maidens asked in admiration, oh yes Lila replied. Immediately all their ears were erected like a tail on an angry cat. 

For all of us to enjoy the story I want to be in the middle Lila said and the Palace wardens immediately rearranged themselves. 

According to my father, when Zomuda was younger and stronger he was mentally and academically flamboyant. At that time he was already a skilled warrior due to the high knowledge he acquired during his stay in British land. He witnessed numerous traditions and feasts. He was exposed to social life. 

He said according to my father's narratives that there was a particular feat in that feast people exchanged gifts with both people they know and the ones they don't know. 

What about Santa? One of the Palace guards asked, ``Santa is anonymous, his face is unknown, during the feast period he or she distributes gifts to people, especially children Queen Lila said. 

When Zomuda, left to see for greener pasture I had the mind of bringing this culture to his territory, but his preliminary life which was composed of polygamy limited him to do that. Why your majesty? Lisa, one of the Palace maids asked. 

"His many wives became envious of themselves not only being envious but very careful of each other because they lack trust for one another". Zomuda would have been a better place to live with such a culture Lisa said, yes it would have been but one day we shall get there if it is the will of the almighty Lila said. 

"Thank you so much your majesty for this mind-opening story, Pisha, the Palace guards who were with them said". You are welcome, Lila replied. 

They got to where they were going, the river that parted Zomuda and her neighbouring kingdom. 

Wow!!!!!! This is beautiful….the maidens exclaimed in excitement. "This is our first time seeing a river with blue water". 

"The first day I came to this place was with my mother, I could hold back my excited state. My display made my mother almost laugh out her rib Lila said to her entourage". That very day we went to get some grass for our donkey. 

I was forced to ask my mother why the water was blue. She said the genesis of the blueish river is unknown to everyone in this kingdom. Zomuda people try covering it but all their efforts proved abortive because they see the water as diabolic. 

I think you have made us feel our eyes today, may the almighty bless us as you always take us as yourself. 

We are one, you are my siblings, there is no difference between me and you people, I see no reason treating bad Lila said to them. I think we spend a lot of time outside, let's be on our way back home now, Lila said. 

My lord, I haven't seen your wife since afternoon. Via said to Hala, expecting him to go angry at Lila. 

She told me she was going out to see some part of our kingdom that she hadn't seen before. Really, and you let her? Oh yes because I wanted to have some quiet time with you in the Palace. That is nice of you my lord, Via pecked Hala. 

A day shall come that you will have this kingdom at your fingertips, you shall decide the affair of the kingdom with me Hala said. 

They were still discussing when Lila walked in, welcome back hope your journey tour was good. Yes, it is, thank you for the opportunity you grant me, I am very grateful that your days on earth always remain blessed. Thank you so much, my Queen. They were still in the middle of their conversation when Via staggered out of their presence due to her high degree of jealousy.